
I sit here thinking about how terrible it is...


It's cruel. Miserable. You never get what you want. You never turn out to be who you want to be. I can see it in everyone's eyes. They all aspire to be someone else.

Even me.

Now, I know that's hard to believe seeing how amazingly charming and good-natured I am, but this isn't how I pictured my life. I didn't want to end up an idealistic teenager surrounded by whimsical hand-drawn pictures, used books, stuffed animals, and Hello Kitty. Okay, maybe the Hello Kitty part is fine, but everything else isn't! I've always dreamt of being somewhere; of being a somebody.

And not just that. I dreamt of a life full of heroic antics, daring rescues, and exhilarating journeys. I dreamt of traveling, discovering, finding, recovering; of love, passion, jealousy, and betrayal. I dreamt of waking up to each and every morning wondering what'll happen next, who I will meet, and how I was going to pull off my next crazy stunt!

But, no. I'm stuck here in my safe house with careful people and harmless gossip. I'm stuck surrounded by my whimsical hand-drawn pictures, used books, stuffed animals, and Hello Kitty.

...Maybe a sheltered life isn't terrible compared to the hazardous one I dreamt of living.

But then again, maybe it is...

Or perhaps... ... ...Perhaps I've just been watching too much television.

February 19th, 2012 at 06:35am