Day 5- 30 days 30 letters Challenge

Day 5-

Dear Dreams,

I am detirmened to make my dreams come true! I want to be a teacher/poet/photographer! All in one! I hope it happens! I want to be a teacher because I love to help people and the way I see it is that teaching is the best way to help someone, because you can help them with the rest of thier life! Awesome huh? Dreams you know I love poetry right? I may not be the best, but I know I'm good at it and I'm not good at anything! I want to do photographry because my bf's dad does it and he makes it seem amazing. I know I'll be in their family for a longgggg while. He told me he'd help me learn! Isn't that awesome!?! Dreams I need you to bloom out of that little rosebud you're hiding in and bloom into a big huge rose! Dreams I want you to come true! That's all I ask of you. PLease and Thank you(:

I have to go now, but I know I will one day succeed in my dreams, and I want all of you guys to help! Anyone know on Mibba where to get a very good ut cheap camera that takes professional photos? Or some place I can get my poems published? Thanks(:
February 19th, 2012 at 01:59pm