Losing weight.

I need to lose weight.
I don't know how to though.
I've gone up and down with my weight for years.
I'm at the point where I'm just sick with my body and I wanna just lose weight. Fast.
I haven't eaten today and I don't want to. But I'm hungry.
I want to go and eat something, but I just wanna lose f*cking weight.
I feel like the only way that I can is by starving myself, but yet, I know that that won't work.
I kinda just wanna shoot myself in the head.
I try exercising and eating right, but I can't do it and it never works for me.
I'm driving myself crazy.
I guess I just needed to ramble.
I try setting dates for myself like I wanna lose a certain amount by my birthday or a concert I'm going to this summer, or the end of the school year, but that doesn't help.
F*ck this! I don't know what to do.
I had sh*t before where I starved myself a lot and it was horrible, but I lost a lot of weight and fast.
I'm kinda going back to that again (for the results), but I told myself I'd never do that again (because of what it did to me mentally).
I'm f*cked.
February 20th, 2012 at 01:30am