Dear Ex

Dear ex:
You're really the only guy I can say that I loved. That I really loved. I don't know why I added the D at the end. I still love you. I'm a firm believer in not really getting over your first love until you meet your second love. I hope it's true. I don't want to love you forever. I'm pretty good at hiding it, aren't I? I can see you every day without breaking down. Some say I must not have really loved you since I didn't cry after we broke up. What can I say? I'm good at keeping things hidden. It doesn't really matter anyways. None of it matters. Things are different now. We're just friends, if you can even call us that. You won't see this, something I'm really happy about. You don't feel the same way. I don't think you ever really did. I'm just asking though..Please don't forget me? I don't think I could take it if you did..
Love always, Me
February 21st, 2012 at 06:52am