Non transboy... yeah. Awareness Days Feb-March

Okay, so I've just realised that I can go on this site at school.

Not that it makes anydifference considering I'd only go on it in certain lessons but still!!!!

Anyway. Upcoming awareness days and weeks.
The only one's I currently know right now is that starting next week it will be Eating Disorder Awareness week. I don't have an eating disorder but one of my good friends does so I'll be getting a blue awareness bracelet from the recoveryourlife shop.

Also, March 1st is Self Injury Awareness day and, obviously, I'll be getting an orange bracelet for that. Both and awareness bracelet and a 'Trying to Stop' bracelet. Also from

So, are you doing anything for either of them?
Or are there are anyother one's that you're acknowleding?
February 21st, 2012 at 12:57pm