Hey guys, quick question!

I'm starting a new story, it's original fiction and it's called Hello Seattle. I'm working hard on it and I'm actually planning this one out. It's mostly about the family dynamic that develops with this group of people over the span of a year. It's going to be long, and kind of slow-paced, but there's a lot of drama and romance. And a lot of these people are in a band. (Not an actual real band, but my own made-up one. But still. Mibbians seem to like band stories.)

I've already got Chapter One written down, and I'm just wondering how many of you guys would like to read something like that. I'm pretty proud of this and I'm very serious about writing this--I'm hoping to expand my novel writing skills with this one.

Thanks to anyone who replies, and I'll post Chapter One regardless and see where things go from there. :3
February 21st, 2012 at 11:35pm