Easily Amused?

So I'm sick and have nothing better to do with my life than talk about random stuff on here...

Well for some reason we got some ridiculous TempurPedic information kit in the mail today, though none of us living in the house sent for one. Upon opening it there was a DVD and a TempurPedic foam sample. TempurPedic foam is supposed to go pack to it's original shape right? Well....It does. Almost too well. I've been playing with the foam sample for over an hour. I'm so easily amused and I have no shame admitting it!

So here's my fun question for whoever reads this: What amuses you the most, or the easiest? Like another thing that amuses me is Bubble wrap. I am endlessly amused by popping it....Well until all of the bubbles are popped anyways.

And just a quick little friendly reminder:
If you wander on over to my other journals you'll see one mentioning Banners in the title. If you need a banner for your story, head on over and check that entry out!
February 22nd, 2012 at 12:52am