New Story/ Possible Comment Swap?

Hi guys! So I've been writing this new story, and it's legit like my baby right now. It's all I can thing about. And I'm four chapters into it, and I decided to post it today. But I've gotten no feedback yet! And I know I just have to be patient, but that is really fricking hard!!

So here's my proposal. I'm going to try something I have never done before! But I've seen other people do it, so I think I can to. I'm gonna do a COMMENT SWAP! Wooo-Hooo!

Anyway, here are my rules:

Note: I don't know if there what any of you are used to but this is the way I want to do it. You don't have to participate if you think they're unfair.

#1: You can only comment on The Chase Of Our Lives. (I'll post think link below.)
-I'll comment on whatever story you want me to, for yours.

#2: You get what you give (I.e if you just write an unhelpful sentence[although appreciated either way] that's what I'll do to you.

#3: Please try to be as helpful as possible(Constructive criticism is HIGHLY recommended. And wanted

That's about it. So, if your interested just comment or leave me a personal message. Thanks!

The Link To My Story: The Chase Of Our Lives
February 22nd, 2012 at 03:11am