Captain Batman, Peter Combe and Regret.

Well today i finally got to spend a day out with a friend of mine who turned down my advances at the start of the year. I think she's decided that I'm 'over' her now as she refused all attempts to hang out when she knew for certain that i had a romantic interest in her. Anyhow we went and saw Peter Combe perform at her university. Although anyone who is familiar with Peter Combe will know he generally just performs kids music, he did perform one whimsical piece that made we just want to reach over and cuddle my friend. On the Upside I got to spend the day walking around Adelaide with a newspaper hat the read "Captain Batman" :3

Her best friend met up with us at the end of the Peter Combe's set and we then just hung out in Adelaide avoiding flash mobs and midgets dressed as Jesus. Neither my friend or I drive so we had an hour long bus trip back home which she slept through most of. I was trying to write a quirky poem about her but it ended up being too romantic so i scrapped it with plans to start again. I'm sure it must be awkward for her if she knows that I still feel the same way as I did. I know she didn't set out to hurt me she prefers guys that look like Brian Molko from Placebo. I'm distinctly average looking with a history of depression, hardly any girl's idea of a catch. I got off early at her stop just so i could give her a giant hug. Then of course my mood crashed down and I'm home wanting to cut myself for no particular reason. Thoughts? Similar situations? Do tell.
February 22nd, 2012 at 03:19pm