
It's been awhile since I have been able to write much of anything and i wanted to write something that people could see. But I don't want any body i know to see. I guess it's a little ironic. =/ Three years ago my life changed my mom, died. Yeah I know sad, things have changed soo much since. But we won't get into that. I just had a random memory, I was 13 me and my mom got into a fight. About what i can't remember i just know she was mad. We have all heard this line from our parents. "I am disappointed in you." I don't know about you guys but that used to tear me up inside, I hated to hear it. But what hurt the most, was when me and my mom had that fight. She didn't talk to me for a full week or two. That had to hurt the most, more than anything. To be in the same house and have your mom completely ignore you. Wow I had no idea that it could even happen but it did.And wow it was hard. But now is mothing compared atleast you know she got over it, but now she is gone. And its like an ever lasting ignore streak. Its just gotten harder over the years . I don't talk to people about it, because it hurts way more then they will ever know. I hate that pity look soo much, so I pretend like its all good when deep down im actualy dieng.
February 23rd, 2012 at 01:42am