Depression and stuff.

I pretty much forgot about this site, but I was bored and on the computer today and remembered about Mibba. I used to come on here a lot back in the day. Man, has a lot of things changed since then. I have my own place now with a couple friends, and I work at a shitty pizza place. So yeah, life is obviously super exciting.. not. Same shit every single day. Work, pay bills, pick up after 3 other people, and all that crap. It's getting real boring real fast. I feel empty and unfulfilled. I always pictured living on my own would be different. I pictured a lot of things different. I thought I was going to graduate and go to college. Boy was I wrong. I'm just a screw up essentially. No importance to my life what-so-ever. I could drop off the face of the earth and it wouldn't make a damn difference. I don't mean to be depressing and negative or anything, but it's true. I don't think I've ever really been as depressed as I am now. The only thing that makes me happy is getting high and drunk. I wake up in the morning and the first thing I think about is getting my fix. I do that, and then I get ready for work. I go to shitty work, I come home from work and drink, do a couple lines, smoke a couple bowls, and pass out. I can't continue living like this much longer and doing what I'm doing. It's shit, and I really don't know how to change it. So yeah, not much is new. The only thing that's really changed for me is just the quality of life getting shittier. But life goes on, I suppose. Whether I want it to or not.
February 23rd, 2012 at 07:35pm