A new little part of mehh

Alright, new topic, family. Mine isn’t amazing. I was abused as a child by my brothers. My mother was always working to support us because my father is a piece of shit who wasted his money on alcohol and club hopping. If he was angry enough, he got violent. No one believed me when I said my brothers were hitting me, so I got it worse.
Everything kicked into overdrive when my sister was born. All the pressure got put on me because everyone was doing their own thing. I was left a lot of the time to watch her. I was old enough (I guess) so no one worried. But when she did something bad, I definitely got it on my shoulders (and face).
My parents got divorced a few years ago. Since then, my mom and dad both found people to be with. My stepmother is okay, she’s not much of a talker, but my mother’s boyfriend (I refuse to call him my stepfather) is… (how do I put this nicely) a bitch. When he first came into the family, he said “I am not your father and I don’t plan to take the place of your father”, so we were fine. He and my mother have been together for about 3 years now and to tell you the truth, it seems as if he’d forgotten what he said to us in the beginning because he’s been acting like a king.
I can’t say I like my family, actually, I say they’re the most disturbing people on le planet, but at this point I really couldn’t care less. My sister has no idea how much I went through trying to take care of her. Getting hit every time I said no to watching her or complained about being alone with her. She has the world at her feet while I can’t even leave my house without my mother asking me 1000+ questions before threatening to ship me off to my grandmother’s house in Puerto Rico.
I get no freedom. All my freedom and social interactions with the world have been slowly depleting (which I don’t exactly mind because to tell you the truth, so is the IQ of the next generation). I’ve gotten my phone, facebook (which I’ve created a secret account to be able to talk to my best friends), aim, and anything that can be used to interact with people. I have xbox, ipod touch (with they have no idea can text) and a computer (which they have no idea why I am always on). I’m like a living Cinderella (sadly -sigh-).
I don’t mind living in this house anymore. In fact, I love this house, just not le people in it. I mean, This house holds a lot of nice memories (if you don’t count le abuse part) I kinda hope we never move (or so these people say they want to) so I can keep this house to raise my own family in. I wish our relationship was better. I mean, I don’t like not liking people, I feel like a horrible person. And I think family will always be the people to have your back, but at this point, I don’t give a flying fuck about any of them. People I care about: my true friends, my brothers (sad but true), and puppies.
February 24th, 2012 at 06:42am