Some sort of Epiphany | New Years Resolution | Questions |

*procrastinating at school, writing down how i feel*

So many things in life that need to be done, and I feel like; if I don't get things done soon then I'll run out of time. March may just well be the most challenging month of my life up to this point.
There's so many adult responsibilities that I now have to work on.
Between those responsibilities I have school, and my upcoming graduation. Graduation means a few different things for me...
1. tons of exams on the way
2. almost free from 8am mornings
3. the beginning of my adult life in my chosen profession...
That third one is frightening. I mean I'm on my own and paying my bills but the difference is that I won't have a roommate, or a best friend [previous journal], and whether or not I like it; I have to grow a backbone and some thicker skin so I don't get... how do you put it?... screwed over.
I truly have to be, unafraid.
And I'm sure it gets easier, but as of now... I hope I don't get into any sort of big, life changing troubles.
My new years resolution; although late:
1. Don't give a shit what people say or think about me!
2. Do more yoga; stay in shape.
3. Learn self defense moves / take up a boxing class
5. Don't give into the habit of pushing people away. Don't bottle my feelings anymore... talk to the people I'm close with.
6. Don't burn any bridges, but be open to new horizons
7. Live each day as if it is the last. Love as if you're never going to love again. Laugh at every opportunity and appreciate even things that don't require appreciation.

|| Questions ||

* are you soon to graduate? do you have a plan after school?
** Are you living on your own? or scared of that thought?
*** Do you doodle when you're bored?
**** preference: coffee or tea?
February 24th, 2012 at 02:37pm