Stage Crew, Yes It's Important

My life is absorbed by three things, dancing, music, and stage crew. Yes, stage crew is important! It sucks that people can't appreciate the work we do, they use rehearsals as a place to break shit that we made and to make out. Then after two weeks they stop showing up then think it's okay to come back the week of the show just to tell us how we suck and to eat our food that we get on dinner nights because we stay until nine or ten sometimes. Sure, I'll admit that we can be an odd bunch of people, a lot of us have been rejected for our randomness and are often deemed weird. Once we are together though, I meet some of the most amazing people that I never would've know. Then other people just show up to get their name on a t-shirt and to make fun of the people there. Some times we screw up, yeah so does everyone. We aren't perfect, and often we criticize the things we made. We get upset about things that are screwed up during the show, when in reality, no one in the audience noticed it. The cast and crew are a big family, but the stage crew itself is more like you're immediate family. The actors for the most part do love us, but they do get pissed at things and it's just easier to blame us if they break something. No matter what people say about our stage crew, I will always think of the ones who were there at every rehearsal giving their all as my family forever. Don't get me wrong we do fight, but all families will. Go hug a stage crew kid, now.

February 24th, 2012 at 09:22pm