Letter to someone special(:

My Darling Anthony,

I love you more and more with every breath I take. Which is around 28,800 breaths a day, and just imagine, every time I breathe I love you double as much as I did before I breathed. That's a lot. Which means I love you 57,600 times more than I did when I fell asleep that night. I really mean that too.
You mean the world to me Anthony and I can't imagine being with anyone more than I imagine being with you. I want to spend the rest of my life making you smile. I enjoy all the little things we do together. They make me smile, they make me happy, and they make me know that I am YOURS.
You make me feel blessed to have someone like you in my life. I never imagined I would be with someone as nice, sympathetic, amazing, affectionate, and plain.... awesome! I am though, and that's all thanks to you babe! You are the one person that knows me inside and out. We can spend every second of everyday together, but that will still not be enough to truly show you how much I love you, how much I care, how much you mean to me. I lay awake at night thinking of all the special moments we've had, and how many moments we will continue to have. I tear up at the thought of losing you. I can't imagine not being with you for a single second more than I HAVE to. You know how everyone says they are waiting for their knight and shining armor? Well, I don't have to wait. Mine has already arrived. You're the one I have always been waiting for. I can't imagine ever giving you up either. Anthony to me you're not like a piece of cake or a toy that you can just put away for later or give away and sell. You're like something you can't put a price tag on or even put away for later on. Anthony you are my heart and soul. I'd never give that way. You are more than enough for me. I can't get enough of you as it is. There is so much of you to go around that your love can wrap around me a trillion times; even more than that! You make me see that the world isn't as scare with the ones you love. I feel like I can defeat life if I wanted to just as long as you're by my side. I feel so surprised we have been dating for so long. I just feel so... right with you. I don't want to be with anyone else. It's impossible to see my life without you in it now. I can't be without you more than I can be without oxygen. Only short periods of time can go by before I need more air. The same as for you, but to me you're not my air. You're way more than that. You're the unexplainable thing that keeps me alive. You're the man I want and WILL marry. I am going to spend the rest of my life with you whether we stay together or not. I will go to the ends of the Earth and back for you. I will not let a single stride make me stumble on the path that leads to your love. I will never stop loving you baby, no matter what happens with us in the future you will always be number one in my heart. <3 I don't think I could sleep if I ever hurt you. I have undying love for you, and if I ever had the thought of breaking that even in the tiniest bit I would lay awake at night until I solved all my problems. I don't want to lose you and I would even admit I was wrong when I was right just to get you happy. We may fight about some stupid petty stuff, but just think; one day when we get old and wrinkly we laugh our butts off at these fights. I may not be the best person out there, but you see me like I am. That is what makes you so special. Nothing and no one can break your love for me. You would hurt anyone trying to hurt me, and you would laugh in anyone's face if they tried to convince you of something that wasn't true. You know me, and I know you. So we know that what someone says is real or not. I have made the mistake of doubting you once before, and look at where that went! I will never again doubt your love for me. How could I?? You show me everyday. You don't even have to say the words. It's in you're eyes. They hold such a passion in them that it takes my breath away. My heart stutters for a second when you speak my name. I don't think I have ever heard anything sound so... delightful. You're voice alone can lure me into a deep sleep into the un-known world of dreams. When you talk me to sleep at night you don't even have to talk. Just knowing you're there is what makes me sleep. I want to lay in your arms for all eternity Anthony Hardison, and no one else can ever satisfy my needs except you. I may be a difficult person to be with sometimes, but you've stuck through and then-some. Baby you're absolutely amazing, and I wouldn't trade your love for the world. I love you Anthony. I will never stop for all eternity. I have said all I can say right now, but you will be getting more of my heart soon. Now I shall go to sleep and dream of you.

With undying love,
February 25th, 2012 at 01:57am