I've been thinking alot recently...

With school work taking up so much time these days, it hasn't left me much time to do much of my poetry writing which I enjoy so much... i really feel the urge to write something new, but what..ANY IDEAS FOR THEMES?
Another thing, which i consider time and time again....my closest friends have been there for me soo much recently, and i feel like i really haven't given them anything in return...
Beedle The Bard - Always there to talk to me, and always offers such great advice, and is so reliable as a Friend....SarahLuvsManga the same....
And yet, it seems like i've never properly repaid them for their help..but they are EPICLY AWESOME :)
I don't often write journals, because personally i'm terrible at writing them, but just this once, i feel like i need a way to air my thoughts

If you want to be one of my mibba friends, just send me a request, i'd love to be friends :D
February 25th, 2012 at 01:17pm