Guy advice?

The group that I hang out with at school are a bunch of loud mouths. But, they are a bunch of great people too, it's a mixed group there's about seven of the boys and around six of us girls. There's a boy that I don't really know in our group, he's kinda new to it.. I'm not sure though, I have never really seen him, He's the boy that I like.

I kinda just wish I was my friend, she has an amazing boyfriend and they are just the all round amazing couple. They are the cutest and they are so happy when they are around one another.

I kinda find it hard to talk to him. The first time I seen him was Friday and I hadn't been to school in a week, cause I have had the chicken pox and all my friends were really happy to see me and I was really happy to see them. It was probably one of the best days this year. I couldn't stop smiling no matter what, I had someone to think about. When I first saw him and he first saw me, he looked at me for like six seconds and i looked at him and he looked away. There wasn't really much to it.. I guess.

I don't know how to start a coversation. But, i'm not sure if I would like to have a relationship, cause i'm still scared considering how my last relationship ended. He is definantly older than I am. My best friend knows and that's it.

Any advice?

Oh and I don't have his number so I cannot text him!
February 25th, 2012 at 03:57pm