Summer Predicament In February...

Okay. Hello people of Mibba! I have a question. I’ve been offered this summer job at a sleep-away camp through a family friend. They have a son who will be about 7 months by the summer, and his dad is working at the camp so they need a mother’s helper. If I take the job, I get free room and board, I can participate in camp activities whenever I’m not working, and I get tipped about $300 at the end of the summer. Also, camper tuition for this camp is generally $10,000 for eight weeks. So it’s freaking fancy. Which means there’s also the possibility of running into mega snobs. Then again, since I’m not exactly a camper, I’m not required to socialize with them. I also wouldn’t be held to the same restrictions, AKA not being allowed to use a cell phone. Trouble is, I’ve had hardly an ounce of experience working with children, especially one so young. Though part of me thinks it might be easier, considering the kid is so young and I don’t really have to entertain him much. I’m not guaranteed the job, but I have a good chance of getting it. So Mibbians, how difficult is it to take care of a 7 month old? Think I could pull it off if I tried hard?
February 26th, 2012 at 05:16pm