Sometimes I just don't understand what goes on.

So, I'm up at college and my roommate is one of my best friends here. We also have a friend here, monica, who we both like but sort of don't like at the same time. And now out of nowhere today my roommate just decides to make me feel like I'm not even friends with her and that monica is her new best friend. It's getting me really upset and I really shouldn't let it get to me, but I am. Like my roommate, Shannon, was like oh i'm deleting you off facebook cause I hate you and we aren't friends. And it sort of felt like we really weren't friends. I know I'm getting really sensitive about this, but I'm sorry, sometimes I can't help it. Then they apologized and I tried acting normal, but everything just feels mad awkward. I hate it. Then I wanted to complain about it, but we're facebook friends, so I couldn't do it there. They follow me on twitter and tumblr, so I couldn't complain there. So, here I am. On mibba, complaining about my friends. I feel like shit. Sometimes I just really can't...
February 27th, 2012 at 06:25am