Advice? I don't know what to tell them...

Ok so....basically my best friend and person I have a huge thing for (that's being blunt but I'll stick with it) he's decided that after this year he going to go. I don't mean go as in away and write/text/ call. I mean go as in leave without saying anything to anyone, leaving and not looking back. I know how much having a new start means to him, He wants to be alone forever...

But I know this will sound selfish but...I can't lose him. He means so much to me, I do actually love him. But I'm afraid to tell him everything I want to say, but I'm afraid it will drive him away for good. He still calls me his pillow, we were together until my ex friend and queen rhymes with hitch but begins with a B. He said then it was only temporary, and we are still close, and i mean extremely close. We're always texting, he texts me good morning and good night. We have nonsensical conversations and sometimes kiss when alone. Nothings changed except for the titles. Anyway going back to topic, do I tell him before I lose him forever?
My cousin told me if you really love someone you'll let them go. I can't without telling him how I feel...can I?

Does anyone have any advice?
Anything at all is greatly appreciated, believe me.
Thank you, apologies for the rant.
Have a good day/ evening/ night.
February 27th, 2012 at 11:16pm