I Just Want An Opinion..

I feel so bad venting this to you guys x.x but I just want a quick opinion. Maybe I'm just overreacting (definitely possible) but where I just ended a relationship that went sour I don't... want it to happen again. Especially not with this boy.

I say this because the boy I've been talking to recently, he's so sweet, and so funny, and so much like me. He doesn't smoke or do drugs, and he does a lot of sports, which is unlike my last boyfriend who was an ex-pill addict, drinker, and weed smoker who obsessed about snowboarding (and thus was also the reason he ended it - because i was in the way of his dream). This boy - the one I've been talking to - his name is Matt and he honestly has caught my interest. We've texted.. a pretty good amount. Some days more than others, some days not at all (though that's only happened like once or twice). He calls me beautiful, and according to my aunt (who was the reason we met in the first place), he's even gone up to his parents and said I'm "so pretty" and they tease him about 'me and him'. A few days ago, he'd even texted me something along the lines of "and what if you like me as much as I like you?" which I basically thought insinuated he likes me as more than a friend.

Now you might be wondering what I'm worried about. Well, we went on a 'date' Saturday, though his brother tagged along so it wasn't really a date I guess. I had... so much fun. I cannot even begin to describe it. Right from the begin, when we first looked at each other (note that we barely knew what the other looked like, since we'd never met in person before) and had a little unspoken conversation of "Are you...?" to wrecking havoc everywhere we went and nearly getting kicked out of stores. It was unbelieveable, I can't put into words how much fun I had with him (and his brother lol). He bought me a SunnyDee drink thing, but I wouldn't let him buy my ice cream (I barely know him, you know? I just didn't feel right letting him just buy me stuff when technically we're still strangers). And at the end, upon my saying "hug?", we hugged each other and went our seperate ways.

Sunday morning: no texts from him. So I text him, and we talk for a few minutes of basically "hey there!(:" "Heyyyy" "whats upp?" "Nothin u" "going ice skating" "Sweeeet" "yeah except when you get cut off x.x" and then he disappeared.

Monday: no texts. at all.

And now I'm worried, honestly. I don't know why he isn't talking to me. He seemed to enjoy himself at the mall Saturday, even saying when it was time to leave that he wished I didn't have to go so soon (if I remember that correctly). I just... I don't know :/ he basically said he liked me... and now he doesn't talk to me at all. Granted, he didn't really text me all Saturday either but he had work also. Obviously, he could just be hanging with people but I mean.... just one little hello?

I know I'm probably blowing this out of proportion, but... I'm just anxious. And I don't wanna text him because I feel like, if he wanted to talk to me he would you know? it was just weird :/ I was thinking maybe he just doesn't think I like him like that, if he does like me like that, because i was so insistent on not letting him pay and I wasn't really all that flirty... or maybe he just doesn't like me v.v

I don't knowwww. I just want hear him to say "Good morning beautiful" again.
February 28th, 2012 at 02:43am