A Declaration To Humanity

A declaration to humanity; Please man give me a chance to say whats on all our hearts. Words they burn, rip and cut into the soul; even the strong believe they can reflect these missiles and not get burned, but they do.
What does it really mean to be a man? A man is someone who is strong, he can accept all and know himself, he sensitive, maybe a bit cruel (buts hes human). A woman is someone is strong, she stands on her own two feet! Go ahead, try and knock her down; All you are gonna get is a good kick to the face <3
What does it mean to be a person in this world? It means to have compassion and sensitivity to all living things, perhaps even non-living. Being a beautiful being means accepting all in this world even if its difficult. Being judgmental about another person is wrong, we all grow and change. Assume nothing, for not everything is what it seems at first.
March 1st, 2012 at 10:14am