OMFG + Story Updates - IMPORTANT.


'Blessed With A Curse' has 20 readers?! *pulls party popper*

Thank you so much!!!!!! :DDDD

It means a lot that you guys would take the time to read it. I'm very proud of it, so to know it has way more readers than I ever expected it to is huge:D
Yeah, 20's not a very big number, but I only expected it to get 2 readers so if you read it, THANK YOU I LOVE YOU! *gives all readers cookies and hugs*

If you didn't read it, please, please read and comment:DD

In other news, I've started writing a story based on American Mcgee's Alice Madness Returns.
It's called 'Alice'. So If you could also check that out, it would be super :)
The Main characters are: Laurence Rene, John Be, Simon Rowlands, Jonathan Gaskin, Jamie Nicholls, Hayley Williams and Tay Jardine. For further info on the characters, check out the 'Characters' section on the story page:)
It will be a slash containing boyXboy relationships. Will also conatin horror and gore.

I'm also gonna put up a one-shot of Jamie Nicholls/Jonathan Gaskin of My Passion (which is a great band, take the time to give them a listen :D). I'm not sure when, I'm still in the planning stages, but I'll let you know in the A.N in one of my stories, Most likely Alice. It's gonna be a slash, just a heads up.

"Asleep In The Asylum" will have to be put on hold for a bit, as co-writer Barbie_Killer has decided not to carry on with it, and she has gone on holiday and taken all the notes for the chapters with her, so it'll have to be on pause for about 2 more weeks, maybe more as I am working on other things.

'Alice' will be most updated, maybe daily.

'Living Like This Is Nothing Like Bliss' is also gonna be updated slowly. It's only gonna be three parts, so it won't be as slow ans 'Asleep In The Asylum'.

If you have any questions redgarding the stories, let me know.

Also, if you have any story requests, I'm more than happy to take them and write them :)

If you have any questions not regarding the requests, don't hestitate to ask :)

Once again, thank you all for reading my stuff! :D

Much love,

March 2nd, 2012 at 12:09am