Challenge to Mibba: If you REALLY knew me, you would know...

Hello, my fellow Mibbians. I propose a challenge to you all, but first a little back story.
At my school there is a bulletin board that had "If you REALLY knew me, you would know..." and students from the seventh and eighth grade anonymously posted things that no one really knew about them.

There were things like, "My father is an alcoholic," "I attempted suicide," and so on. But other kids really didn't get the whole idea I guess, or were just trying to be d*cks and posted things like, "I do four sports," "I play hockey," Either title works in my opinion. But, I honestly wanted to do one, but I'm in tenth grade so I wasn't able to.

Then it struck me. -I could do it on Mibba-
A plan began to formulate and I knew this could be something great.

At first, I was just going to do it in many journals individually over an extent of time for a therapeutic thing. But, I like the collaborative group idea as well. So, I thought that this could be a thing that Mibba could work on together. This is my challenge: Let those of Mibba know the real you.

If this is something that you are interested in doing, do it as many times as you want with as many things that no one knows about you as you want as well.

As for me, I will keep up with this periodically.

And here is the start:

If you REALLY knew me, you would know...
1. I have paranoia that my friends are annoyed with me, or even hate me half the time, but it comes from nowhere.
2. I constantly feel like I'm doing everything wrong.
3. Sometimes, I just want to run till I can't anymore.
4. I break down and cry at least once a week.
5. It seriously frustrates me when I feel like I can't help my friends due to them not letting me.

Here's the start Mibba. What will you do?
March 2nd, 2012 at 05:19am