This game is supposed to make you feel like you're in an abusive relationship.

Well, that's what the fact said. I played it, and even though it's simple, it's kind of eerie. Like, dark. It's not a life changing game, but yeah, it's supposed to make you feel like you're in an abusive relationship. You start out, and it gives you two options for every question. Your answer for the question will determine the response and outcome of the game. Every time you disobey it, it will insult you [subtly] and make the game harder. There is supposed to be a secret path, which I couldn't find, that has a message "I've been what you've been searching for all along" or something :/ I might have because if you obey it enough, there will be a second level [there is one point in the game where you can NOT obey it because it would make it impossible to beat the game] You should play it, I liked it:

March 3rd, 2012 at 12:04am