New Perspective

I have just had a life changing experience. I'm not gonna lie, I judge people I just meet and I know it's wrong, but I do. I try not to, but hey, I'm human.
So yesterday morning I was in Walmart with my mom and I saw this really cute girl there. Me being me, I had to go talk to her cause I'm a bit of a manwhore, but that's another journal entry. She was way beyond beautiful. She had long black hair and really pretty eyes. Really pretty.
So I walk up to her and we start talking. She couldn't have been more than 15 at the most. Actually, she told me she was 15 1/2. I was just about to ask for her number when a little boy came running up yelling "Mommy, Mommy can I get this?" He looked about 2 or 3 years old. He latched on to her leg, showing her a WWE action figure. I was too caught up in the fact that he'd called her MOMMY to see what wrestler's action figure he was holding.
'Holy fuck, she has a kid!!!', I thought. She must have seen the shock on my face because she smioed sadly and turned to the little boy. "Let me see it." He handed her the plastic package, making the cutest puppydog eyes I have ever seen.
"Please, Mommy?"
"Alright, baby. Go find Gramma so we can get ready to go." He ran of in the direction of the toys.
"Wow..", I said. I didn't really mean to, but I did anyway. She sighed. Yeah, it was really awkward.
"You probably think I'm a whore now, don't you?"
"I'm not gonna lie, I'm curious", I said, and I was. What could this girl have gotten herself into that landed her with a baby at 13. Then she told me the story.She was raped. She got pregnant. And decided to keep the baby. That made me feel like an ass.
You hear all these stories about girls being sluts and getting pregnant or just getting knocked up for the attention, but this was new for me. I understand people get raped, btu why would she keep the baby? Had it been me, I would have wanted to get rid of all memories, all reminders.
That was so brave of her. She decided not to get rid of something, or a little someone I sould say, that was shoved on her, against her will. Not only was she violated on the worst way any woman can be, but she got PREGNANT FROM IT! I respect her for her courage and without knowing it, she made me take the next step to not judging a book by it's cover.
March 4th, 2012 at 01:36pm