what does it take to get a comment nowadays (comment swap)

Really what does it take to get a comment on anything. I see so many stories, poems, and journals that don't get a single comment. I always make sure I leave a comment even if its something small because the writer won't know if anyone actually likes or dislikes them. Yeah they may have subscribers, but that still doesn't really tell the writer how much the reader is enjoying they're writing.... I know a lot of people rant about this topic, but really what does it take to get a comment nowadays? If there's anyone who has a story and no comments let me know. I'll read whatever it is you want me to and I'll comment.

Here's how i'll do it:

1.comment on my story Roots Beneath Ideals
2.leave a comment here saying you did
3.leave the name of your story/poem
4.it has to have less than 5 comments

I'll leave a lengthy comment.
I promise.
March 4th, 2012 at 07:33pm