The Forgotten People. The T in LGBT. And the brilliance and balls they have to show their true self to the world.

ah, I love this man. If he seems familiar, he's this really cool guy showing YouTube that the gay population has some pretty, no, really amazing people. Or as he says, "I'm a video blogger from Phoenix. I'm a socially conscious gay man, and I'm not afraid to say what I think :) "

He's right.

It's not fair for these people. These wonderful people. To be discriminated. Did you hear about the transgender woman who tried to use the fucking bathroom at a McDonald's and was attacked by another woman for "not being a girl." Horrible, right?

If you decided to skip the video or not finish it because it's 7 minutes, the gist is he would like to do something about this dillema. Put a third bathroom in public places. Fight for transgender rights. And I have to agree with him. The stuff these people go through is total bullshit.

Trans people ARE like you and me.
Image this transgender man is still a sexy man.

Image and goddamn that transgender woman is just goddamn beautiful.

Would you have guessed they were trans? I'd like to do something to help people just like them. But how?
March 5th, 2012 at 01:06am