What Happened to Wonderland?


This is awkward.

"Alice" has six readers!!!


Chapter 2 has 4 readers....

Chapter 3 has 3....


What happened to Wonderland?!

Is it boring you?
Do you not like my style of writing?

Guys, if there's something you don't like, don't just stop reading! TELL ME WHAT YOU DON'T LIKE!

Happy author = more and better chapters.
Sad author = Less and worse chapters. :(((((
Comments/feedback = better chapters!

Don't give up on me! "Alice" is my favourite story!


"Blessed With A Curse" has 25 readers!!!! *happy dance*
I have an alternative ending (which is a bit happier) for it, so comment if you wanna read it!

Thanks for reading my shit.
Love youuuuu :P

March 6th, 2012 at 01:13am