do this I can guarantee you an A on anything

have a badass muthafuuuuuuuukcin title.

I kid you not.

I'm going through old Word documents and deleting stuff from my previous high school career years. Any wouldn't you know, everything that has a title that I pulled from my brain in like five seconds has gotten me higher than a 95, if not a 108. I will give you some examples:

An Evolution of Prostitution -this was my latest and I received a 98 :~D

Pre-Calc and You: A 69 step guide to everything you'll ever need to know -the funny thing is, my old teacher got arrested for having sex with a student. I just thought the 69 part was ironic. hah

No Fear Shakespeare- I know I stole that from Sparknotes I KNOW -Why Things Written Centuries Ago are Still Relevant to the Fast Paced Lives of Teenagers Today

Espanol: porque la idioma es mas de "sombreros" y "yo quiero taco bell"
a rough translation : Spanish: because the language is more than "sombreros" and "i want taco bell"

In Lady Gaga we trust -my sociology paper

The first rule of psychology is you do not talk about psychology this was my lame response essay to Fight Club but my teacher loves me so loshwefjefso;;2.

and this is actually my favorite from health that I probably stole from tumblr
You're fat. Your wife is fat. Your kids are fat. Welcome to America.

see? just have a creative title and somewhat decent body paragraphs, and you too shall pass!

ugh I have HSPA's for the next three days and my SAT on Saturday then I have to work the rest of the weekend. and if i fail the HSPA i won't graduate high school. no pressure, ay?

well I'm off to sleep at this decent hour. GOODNIGHT MIBBA I LOVE YOUALL.
March 6th, 2012 at 02:28am