These are a few of my favorite thiiiiings!!

This shall be my fourth picture journal, devoted to wonderful food, drink, and anything else I can think of that keeps me happy and content.

Assuming you haven't lost interest yet... Go!

I know what you're thinking. This is a gimmick. There's no way it's true. And yet... science has prevailed! In honor of the "everyone-is-getting-way-too-freaking-sick-to-be-allowed-in-public" season, I thought I would share this with you. (And let's be real, I went through a box today).

This is my favorite thing to wait for, month after month. I'm telling you, it's great. While "GQ" does stand for "Gentlemen's Quarterly," trust me- anyone can read this magazine. Surprisingly enough, GQ cracks me up every month. The issue you see is the one out now so... go! Buy!

In case you live in a cave, you may be unaware of these. Well I'll fill you in. 2012 is the 100th year anniversary of Oreo and so, to celebrate, they have created a limited edition batch of birthday cake Oreos. You may need to sit down, I understand.

Look, don't take it personally. I just want the world to smell this good. And it's cheap too! (for perfume)

Trust me, you want this mascara. As one reviewer put it "it isn't the perfect mascara, but it's pretty darn close! I was a long time user of Covergirl's Lash Blast Length (the yellow one), but I'm in love with this!! Since it's Revlon, it's a little on the pricey side (at least for me...) but it's worth every penny!

Recently bought a pair of these babies at Forever 21 for the amazing price of... $14.50! They're nothing too special, but they have a very nice hipster essence to them. Also, I wear them at work, where black shoes are mandatory. They're not fugly and they're not uncomfortable. I don't see the problem...

This is a little late, as the album came out late 2011, but as I haven't made one of these in awhile, I'll excuse myself. Seriously. SERIOUSLY. Even if you're on the fence about hip hop, rap, or all the above, give it a listen. It's on Spotify (which is free on the computer) and it's brilliance ceases to amaze me. God. Just talking about it now...

I'll admit it: I was leery. I didn't want to conform. I liked my water as it was, and I have never been a big fan of Cool-Aid or anything like it. But I tried it and all I have to say is this: Conform! Conform!

I'll warn you now: it's about $10 a bottle. And since it's aerosol, it seems to run out faster than a normal bottle would. Truly though, it is the lotion of all lotions. Also, it's pretty cool to look at when it comes out. Hence the name "ribbons."

Frito-Lay owns half of my soul. And I am just fine with that.
March 6th, 2012 at 06:04am