The "Read 'Em Or Suffer" series...(Entry 58)

So here is today's horoscopes for those of us who are Capricorns (we'll rule the world one day): "The waxing Virgo Moon is just days away from its fullest potential in one of the luckiest zones of your horoscope. You can feel all of the blessings coming your way starting today. Use this time of increased optimism to redouble your efforts and strengthen your faith. Doubts can be utterly destructive." So what I got out of that is that starting today, all Capricorns are going to be lucky as shite. So bring on the luck; baby. Had a test today in my computer class which I failed, but the teacher did say that she is going to be giving everyone a curve seeing as we couldn't get everything done in the time that she said. So there's my first luck. Let's see if more will come.

The fifty-eighth installment of REOS is...
Just Keep Breathing by dreamerofdreams

So far this story has 7 chapters, 4 comments, 34 readers, 9 subscribers OKAY DO I NEED TO START JUMPING THROUGH SOME COMPUTERS for you guys to realize that COMMENTS ARE MORE IMPORTANT TO US THAN HAVING A TON OF READERS, and is Rated NC-17. The hotness for this story is none other than We Came As Romans's very own Kyle Pavone. The genres for this story are Romance and Drama. The summary for this is...

Scarlett Johnson is your typical, average broke college student from Michigan trying to make a living out of her dream; photography. She was lucky enough to get an internship at a local rock radio station through the community college she was attending in her home town. Although there isn't much going on in Troy, the benefits of working at the station was that they sent her to many different parts of Michigan to attend concerts and take pictures and the ability to meet bands she's never met before. A band was scheduled to perform in her Michigan, and having no idea who they were, she volunteered to photograph the concert for the station's website.

Meeting a whole lot of bands and great folk, she is about ready to take some shots of the headlining band, We Came As Romans. In awe, she takes bundles of pictures of the band, especially one in particular, Kyle Pavone. Towards the end, their eyes meet, and with a wink and a smile that was to die for.

What will happen at the concert? Stay tuned to find out!

Now we can get started on learning more about the author. Well, she's 19 years old, she does have a name, but I can't read that small print, has one story on mibba, one picture of herself, and her favorite quote is "It’s easy to take off your clothes and have sex. People do it all the time, but opening up your soul to someone, letting them into your spirit, thoughts, fears, future, hopes, dreams… That is being naked." which is by Rob Bell. If you wanna know more about her, then feel free to start talking/commenting/messaging her. When done however, please send anything you learned to me so that I can update this too.

Let's get started on her story...well seeing as she only has one story, I'll do the title and anything else I left off above

1) Just Keep Breathing {fan fiction; starring Kyle Pavone and the rest of the WCAR guys}

Well, this will probably be my shortness REOS ever for while I'm still writing this out. Let's see how the rest of my day goes? I also forgot to mention that CU is finally having it's monthly Pool Competition after having being canceled last month; I would sign up, but I'm not quite on the level of the players (but I am getting close).
So until next time...
XOXO Nikii Nightmare

Disclaimers: You already know the drill, so don't try to sue me

March 6th, 2012 at 05:55pm