OH, by the way..|Rumors aren't cool!

So hay! Yesterday. Made a journal 'bout the copycats around me in my everyday life... welp. Spreading rumors is the absolute coolest thing to do around my middle school. Everyone in the school district that's in the high-school now that I'm friends, or acquainted with, tells me the high-school is much greater than the middle school in the aspect of you don't really notice the preps anymore, therefore, no more rumors. But the middle school's tough. The rumors fly around like CARAAAAAAAAAAYZAYYYY.
Like last year. I wanted to die. It was right after Christmas break, and I got a new camera. I take pictures on the bus with my phone, and now that I had a camera, I'd do so with that. Well my locker was rigged and there was NO WAY that I was going to leave my camera in there for simply anybody to take. So it was in my back pocket. When I got changed for gym, it stayed in there. When I came in to get changed back into my reg clothes, my friend Britt was holding my camera. We both sort of admired it for a minute or two, LOL. Then this chick Jill who reminds me of one of Dr. Seuss's Whoo illustrations, snitched on me. I got suspended for 3 days.
Jill STILL runs when she sees me... LOL. No swag.
So yeah. But matters only got worse from here. This girl Annette, with this big. Ass.nose. like, the size of a freaking foot on her manly face, started telling people I was taking pictures of her changing and I'm a LESBIAN?! Don't get me wrong, I'm by no means a homophobe, but this changed EVERYONES opinion on me. Like, sure, the popular kids never liked me in the first place, but now they won't even look twice at me, or spit out one single word... along with just about everyone else in any of my classes.
I never felt so hated or betrayed. And I sent Annette a nice little Facebook threat messgae... resulting in her telling guidance, and blocking me. And making the rumors twice as atrocious. I wanted to hang her from her own guts! But she was "guidance protected". LOL. Puss much?
And these rumors faded, but still sort of circulate. Like are you serious? This was over a year ago!!!! Are your lives really so uninteresting that you drag on other peoples made up buisness? GET A LIFE, FOR REALLLLL!
ugh. Who else has had rumors going around about them? Does anyone else feel me? They suck some harddddddddcoreeeee asssssss!!! Meh. -.-
March 7th, 2012 at 03:12am