Hydro Morphs.

I'm writing this to all of those who think they're "cool" for doing something so stupid.
I can't even begin to understand why something like this is even conciderd cool, but okay.

On February 6th, a very close friend of mine was going to head out for some Boston Pizza to watch the SuperBowl since he had now been legal age for a month and some. Him changing his mind like he always does, he decided to hit up a party down the hall from his friends apartment.
He comes home and goes to sleep so he's ready for his next day at school.

6:30 comes. His friend walks in the room and finds him covered in a mess of vomit. Barley breathing, she calls the ambulance using basic cpr to keep him alive.
He arrived at the hospital where he died an hour later.

There was NOTHING they could do to save him because of how he took them. He was the nicest, funniest kid around with a really big heart. My friend was taken from this earth a month after his 19th birthday, he had his whole life ahead of him...

So please, next time you think about snorting or see any of your friends remember how easy it is to go six feet under from one little mistake.

Rest easy, Breezy.
Love you lots.
March 8th, 2012 at 05:25am