Really long and possibly boring? | Fingernails suck.

I don't really know what I want to say. I mean, I had possibly started this entry with a maybe topic in mind, but now that I try to find it, it's just gone. Poof. Nonexistent.

I remember watching the Kony video yesterday evening. I don't know what it was, but it did pull me in, and I was truly into the whole thing. Until it was over. I mean, I know that the man is real, but things like this, they make me hesitant to even get slightly attached to it. I mean, I'm all for the power of ideas, I know exactly what one idea can do and how it can consume you. I remember listening to the radio just yesterday and the channel was talking about couples and about what one party could do to help the other party if said party was to be come a 'drunken'. But, my mom pointed out that without the person saying that they are going to fix themselves, with out the making the choice that the wanted to be fixed, nothing was ever going to fix him. I once heard that it typically takes just 1.5 seconds for us to make up our minds. I mean, yeah, when you're sitting at a drive-thru, and you're reading over the menu a hundred times, it doesn't seem like that, but truly, your mind has already made the decision. Consciously, subconsciously. Your mind was made up. Nothing will change that. No one can make you think different. And so, once a choice is made, it's near impossible to change that. This idea, the idea to raise awareness, for another country that not even our own, I can't help but find slightly stupid. I mean, yes, he's a bad man, I don't disagree with that even a little. And yes, in someways, he is our problem because there's always the chance that someone else can take his idea and begin their own cult in the US. But, I believe we have much bigger problems to deal with. I mean, our country is falling apart. Hey, our country is going to shit, and it's more broke than that hobo that sits on that one bus bench everyday, but boy! I'm so glad we saved those few thousand children! Yeah, no, I'd rather see this country fighting and protecting their own citizens that some other countries. I mean, I'm sorry, but I believe that we should fix our own problems before we try to fix other people's.

I guess this might be better posted in the unpopular opinion thread, but then people will comment and disagree with what I said and try to make me see differently, and I'm just not for arguing. Like I said, we make up our minds and nothing is going to change that unless we ourselves initiate it.

Which brings me to something else. The whole things about changing someones religious views. I've always found it extremely fascinating how I could explain my believes and views of Heaven, Hell, and God and turn an atheist into a... Whatever I am. I mean, I'm not exactly sure what you would call me. Most would call me sacrilegious, but I'm not, far from it. I just see the world and the not-world in a way most wouldn't even think to look at it as. But, as I was saying, I find it fascinating how I can turn around an atheist's beliefs with one simple talk. It makes me wonder if they were just looking for something that made since to grab hold of. I don't know, it's just something that has and always will intrigue me.
March 8th, 2012 at 11:35am