Brokencyde & a vent / rant / expel thing about stalkerism

I recently discovered this band and OMG I am in love!!
Like seriously!
Some of their songs are complete ****
Some are f*****g amazing!!
Like Schizophrenia and Dead before I died.


Okay so basically I want more bands.
Just give me bands bands bands!!
Or links lol links would be so much easier.
But not like well known ones ya know.
Everyone knows slipknot and black veil brides and linkin park etc

In other news.
I am in a state of panic :(
I started talking to this guy who lives near me. Just as friends. Then one night it got to like four o'clock in the morning so I said you can crash here if you like it is a bit late now. So he did. Nothing happened. I didn't want anything to happen. It was completely innocent. There was one part where his arm sneaked it's way around me but what the hell, that was it, nothing more, nothing less. Everything was fine after that.
The day before yesterday. He text me telling me how he 'feels' about me. I was saying awh that is nice, thank you, I'm sorry but I am not interested, your a lovely guy but it's just doesn't work for me. Again everything was fine after that, we carried on talking as mates just all normal like.
He decided to tell me that he loves me, and that he figured it out that night he stayed. I repeated the same that I am not interested etc (I was nice about it like I didn't just say f**k you it's not going to happen, well I basically did but in a nice way). Again everything was fine.
About ten minutes ago.

You see about ten minutes ago he sent me an incredibly long text message detailing how much he loves me and how me turning him down has made him feel... he even went to the depths of - my heart is on the ground in a million pieces and I am empty inside -

I haven't replied in the hope that he will think I am asleep.
I don't know what to dooooo!!!


Anyways.... Yeah bands pretty please (with a cheery on top)

Love always,
March 9th, 2012 at 02:02am