Comment Swap ?

The User's Guide to Sucide

So, for starters, it's a story about six [well, seven, but two of them are seen as more of a whole than two separate people] girls. And no, they all have normal girl names [for example; Megan, Annabelle, Trisha, Terry, etc] and none of them have rainbow hair or piercings. The title kind of explains some of the story, but not the deep plot of it.

Short Summary: The ability and knowledge to decide your own fate can be tempting to those with demented minds.

So... this is my first comment swap. I'd imagine there are rules. So here are my rules:
- I really wouldn't prefer fanfictions, but I would do them if they were short enough
- Leave some sort of lengthy comment containing opinions or criticism, not "cool." I will comment on your story the same.
- Please keep the story under 4 chapters
- Be polite! c:
March 9th, 2012 at 03:08am