Don't Like 70's - 90's Bands..

I get told by many that I don't have real taste in music or that I don't know real music if I don't like any of the bands that were around in that time. I hate this perception that there is no "real" music today, when there actually is.

One of the reasons I probably don't like bands from that time is one, I'm not a big fan of metal or rock. Artists similar to The Beatles bore me and seem a bit overrated. Sure, they have good lyrics, but their songs came off as flat to me. People don't listen to music solely for lyrics, right? I typically don't even listen to American music for that matter... I enjoy Japanese pop for a large part and electronica.

I think I may just have an issue with the past. I don't like old literature, such as Romeo and Juliet, I don't like old music, I don't like old movies [except for Disney], I just don't like it.. I look forward to what the future has in store.

Yeah, so, I just made this because I was tired of being told I have no real taste if I don't like classical things such as those.

1. You like old bands?
2. What's your view on the topic?
3. Do you think that this would be considered "bad taste?"
March 10th, 2012 at 08:17pm