Unequal, unfair First Impressions

How does me being different allow me not to treated normally? Just because I am scarred against my will, from something that I've struggled with all of my life. Instead of controlled greetings, I get "Oh my god! Were you burned?", "What happened to your arms?!" or my personal favorite..."Are you okay?!" No I'm not okay, my body is attacking my skin because something has irritated my immune system, thanks for asking. Sure I have Eczema, and it can get pretty bad, but how the hell does that make it acceptable for someone's greeting to me be any different than their greeting to anyone else. I've stopped leaving my arm's uncovered in front of people that I haven't met before, because I can't stand the staring. I'd appreciate being treated equally, because I'm already self-concious about it and I'm already worried about trying to make a decent first impression. It wouldn't bother me nearly as much, and I actually appreciate it when people ask, politley mind you, what it is; because then at least they'll understand and won't treat me like a diseased creature that they shouldn't get too close to in case that they might catch something. Excuse my ranting but, it just needs to be out there that speaking your mind can be very insulting, because people don't like being judged on their least desireable characteristics...
March 10th, 2012 at 09:16pm