
That's how I feel. I'm always flying high or drowning. This morning, I woke up feeling like I could conquor the world. I cleaned my room and did my laundry (trust me, it's a HUGE accomplishment), filled my prescription, mailed the letters, and spent six hours at school working on my project to get ahead (yes - it is a Saturday). And then on my drive home from school it was like I plummeted. I hate how easily I can shift between moods for no reason - and not even in a monthly cycle!
Maybe it's just because of the stress. My mother's never worked a full time job in my life, and my father's only left for a few months - once - and I just bought a condo and I still have student loans and credit cards and I'm starting to worry that I drink to much and my father's leaving for 18 months and my mom's picking up a full time job and I graduate in April and I have to find a job and get a new wardrobe because band tees and jeans and hoodies don't qualify as "uptown casual" and I need to figure out a person I need to be because I can't be me with where I'm going in life. And I need to learn how to spell because because I always spell it becuase.
Anyways, I just needed to vent. I hope everyone else's day is doing well. (:
March 11th, 2012 at 05:41am