
I know that Im not perfect. In all reality, Im a lazy teenager that doesn't wanna go to school or even get out of bed most of the time. My life really isn't so bad. I have those kind of parents that let their oldest child do almost anything. I can stay out until eleven on school nights and until the sun rises on the weekends. That's really cool and all, but it seems like every time I actually want to do something that means anything at all to me, Im just wasting my breath. My friends are a whole other story. Most of the time, I feel used and helpless. Anytime Im around them, I just get so angry and its hard to mask those feelings around them. I just want to lash out at them. At everyone. Teachers, parents, 'best' friends. I can't even begin to fathom how people think. It seems to me that nobody has any morals anymore. All I want is a little CONSIDERATION.
March 11th, 2012 at 09:57pm