Our generation is dying.

Our generation is on a downward path. Im only 17, but I walk around school and see the way people act. It actually kind of disgusts me. Everyone is worried about the latest fashion and how long they should stay in the tanning bed to get that perfect golden look. I mean, come on! Everyone knows its fake! I can remember when it was cool to be unique, not look like everyone else. I get so frustrated in class when I hear people talking trash on another poor soul because they don't have enough money to buy the latest fashionable clothing or their hair isn't in perfect place like it should be. I am NO WHERE near perfect or even as pretty as some of my snobby classmates. In actuality, Im fine with that fact. If being pretty means judging others because of the way they look, then count me out. Another thing that really gets me is the HUGE change in the taste of music. What happened to good music? Im not saying that all music presently is bad, I happen to find a lot of new stuff that I like everyday. But artists like Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez make me want to upchuck. Seriously. I HIGHLY recommend listening to the oldies. Or even something from the '90s. At least our parents' generation had better taste in music than we do.

Just had to rant a little. This is an issue that has been bothering me for quite a while now.
March 11th, 2012 at 10:12pm