Hi, I'm Sam. &this is me.


I don't wear tight clothes.
I don't have luscious hair that make others envy me.
I don't have a boyfriend. Haven't since 6th grade.
I'm not tall.
I'm not skinny.
I'm not a lot of things. including happy.
I have short pudgy fingers
I cry and stutter when I get frustrated.
I believe girls look their prettiest when their crying.
I have weird taste in music.
My mood changes so fast that even I'm starting to think I'm borderline psychotic.
I don't have any best friends or people I can tell everything too.
I'm terrified of talking to strangers. like when I have to order things at restaurants and fast food places. Can't do it.
I hate my boobs. I wish they were smaller.
I love tigers.
Most the people in my life make me want to kick a steel wall.
I have the crappiest brown eyes and milk chocolate brown hair.
I'm no one special.
But Hi, I'm Sam
&this is me.

Who are you?
March 12th, 2012 at 03:14am