I Challenge you, Mibba!

I spent a lot of time writing today. I spent at least two hours, despite having a ton of uni work and other commitments that demanded my attention. I really like writing. I really like to show people my writing and I like to get their feedback. Obviously it's difficult for people to actually give me feedback if they never read my writing. I know that in about twenty-four hours I'll be lucky if two people read this journal let alone the poem and story chapter I've posted today.

Now, obviously, you might think, "Dude, you're overreacting, you can't expect your stories and poems and journals to actually be read by people when there's so many being posted everyday!" Obviously I know that I a lot of people are busy writing things themselves on Mibba. I understand that they also want to receive feedback just like me. They want to know that their writing is appreciable and they, like all human beings (myself included, evidently), want approval.

Now there is obviously a SIMPLE solution to this. I want anyone (that means the two people who actually end up reading this journal, probably) who reads this journal to click on the STORIES tab and find a story that has less than ten readers and read it. Comment on it. Then go to the POEMS tab and find a poem that has less than ten readers and read it. Comment on it. Go to the JOURNALS tab and find one with less than two comments and read it. Comment on it.
Make sure with all your comments that you're not just like "Lol awesome work," or "You write well."

If you appreciate writing material on this site and/or you appreciate reading it, then MUST be intelligent enough to form more complex comments than that. Try and have MORE THAN ONE SENTENCE.

Try and do this just once a day. It'll take you thirty minutes tops. Who knows, people might see you commenting and reading things and think "Wow, they're so cool, I want to read their material!"

See, everyone wins! So get out there and give feedback. We all want it and we all thrive on it.

March 12th, 2012 at 02:05pm