Getting High Has Consequences #2

My mom found out I got high. And you know how you just hate it when you see your mom cry? Yeah, well you get a feeling 10x worse when you're the problem that's making her bawl. Ugh, I feel so stupid. And she's gonna tell my stepdad. When she does, he'll hit the roof. He will scream and do something irrational. He will scream. And scream. And scream. And when he's done screaming, he'll never trust me anywhere again. And I suppose that's my own fault, because I had all of his trust before this. He didn't trust my sister or my little brother as much as he trusted me. I was the one that held everything together. To him, I was the sane one in the family. And now I'll only be a stupid teenager that messed up just one time. And he'll be damned if I do anything ever again.
March 12th, 2012 at 04:28pm