Yes, I'm The One.

Yes I'm the one that got my girlfriend pregnant and yes it wasn't planned. It's obvious and we're not trying to keep it a secret. It happened okay?

I knew I would get some negatives about this, but I'm seriously starting to get annoyed about the people in my town asking me the same damn questions.

"Are you still together?" "Are you gonna be in the child's life?" "Do you plan on getting married?" "Were you drunk?" "Are you stupid?" "Are you gonna let her get an abortion or give it up for adoption?" "Are you gonna raise your child?"

Well no offense, but DUH YA THINK?

I'm not really one to just babble on about my emotions (ask my girlfriend) but god, it's like a frigging broken record from everyone and before any other people ask the same damn questions, I'd like to attempt to resolve the issue.

Yes, I plan on being in my child's life, it's a given. I'm not one of those guys who think I can magically disappear to somewhere else and pretend nothing happened, sorry to inform you but this is real life. It's not like I could just drop my life and run away from the situation. I'm an older brother to two younger brothers and a sister, and a son to both my mother and father who are not together. Plus I recently started working nights. I obviously can't abandon my duties here nor would I ever chicken out and try to.

No, we're not giving the baby up or I sure as hell wouldn't let my girlfriend abort OUR baby, the one we made together. Not that it's anyone's business, but we very well plan to raise our baby together.

Will it be easy? I don't know. I don't know what the future holds, but I can assure you we'll make it regardless of what happens. Sorry we're not rushing off to the altar to make it official, but we're doing quite fine at the moment thank you.

I'm prepared to take on the challenges of what this will bring and I'm prepared to take it in stride. I'm not afraid to admit I'm stepping up to the plate as I should and take care of my family. When things were nasty with my parents' divorce, I was the one who made sure my siblings ate when my mom had to work extra hours. I helped them with their homework. I even taught my sister to ride her first bike. I took care of my family when I needed to, so why wouldn't I now? What example would I be to them if I didn't. I surely wouldn't be very pleased if it were my younger sister in the situation and the baby's dad had left her.

I just wish people wouldn't be so judgmental because of past mistakes our generation has made. Yes, we may be too young, but every single person is different. Before you judge, just gives us a chance.

I've seen the looks my girlfriend has got and I've heard the rumors at my school from people I've never even met before. I really just want to scream "Who cares?" Who cares what we do when they haven't cared before. What we decide to do with our child isn't anyone else's business, well it could be if the person wanted to offer support.

I just don't want my girlfriend to be branded by names that are untrue. If you knew her, then you would know she's the most genuine person you'll ever meet. That what you think you is true is just some stupid lie people make up to cause drama and gossip. It's sad people don't have anything better to do where I come from.

Regardless of all that, I wish people would just let us be. Every one who knows us, including family and friends know that we are 100% dedicated to each other and now we'll soon be parents. I know it's absolutely shocking, a young couple actually staying together for the sake of the child, it's OUTRAGEOUS! Quickly, alert the media!

But seriously, can we just be given a break? We're well aware of what we need to do. I know what I need to do.

That is all.

- C -
March 12th, 2012 at 09:58pm