I Miss You Mibba

Wow, it's been a while. I don't even know if anyone who I spoke to regularly is still on here, or if anyone who regulars the journals still remembers who I am. But I do so wish I had the time to stop in here like I used to. When I think of all of the fun times that I had talking to random people on here, getting advice on stories, or giving advice on stories, I ache to have that back.

Unfortunately, it would seem that part of getting older also includes giving up communities that made you smile. I no longer have the time to bum around on Mibba talking to people, and I'm so busy with school work and economic stresses, that I really don't have a spare thought to give to this site. It makes me sad.

There's so many things that I could put up on here as an update to my status, because so much has happened, even within my writing. But, considering that I probably won't have the time to be on here at all in the near future, I don't really see the point in trying to catch anyone's attention with my goings on.

I will say, however, that I've made myself a website. For anyone who knows me from old times, or is simply curious, I've made the site as a new way of sharing my work with people online. The only difference is that with the site, friends and family who don't have Mibba accounts are able to see my work, and even buy it if they feel very kind.

The site is here. Please check it out if you would.

As far as anything else goes, I would like to hear from anyone who happens to be wandering on the journals at the moment. I hope some of the old acquaintances are still around; I would love to hear from you all.

Now I'm off to write the final chapter of my latest novel. Maybe it'll make me feel more accomplished with my Spring Break if I do. XD

Hoping to relive the old days,
March 13th, 2012 at 08:44pm