Mr. Makes Me Smile <3.....<I just needed to get my thoughts out soo I would be able to sleep tonight>

Dear Mr. Makes Me Smile,

I do not flaunt. I do not hide. I do not try to be perfect and I realized that I have not done that in forever. Usually with every guy I try to act perfect and try to get their attention, but with you I do not feel like I have to. I can just walk up to you with no make-up on and I really do not care about it. I have realized that I do not have to be perfect on the outside to be perfect on the inside. I feel like you truly see that.
We know each other’s past and every though you can now beat me in a game of “Never have I ever” ? but I you do not hold it against me. I also do not hold anything against you. We can just joke around with it and bring up funny stories.
I still love that I am able to just walk into your room and we can keep each other entertained for 2-3 hours WITHOUT sexual tension. We are just talking, watching television or joking around. I feel like we just smile whenever we are around each other, well at least I do.
Some of my friends have teased us about it, even if they do not know you. It can be sometimes embarrassing, but I feel like they have their heart in the right place caring about us. Plus with the friends that know both of us, it is just another funny memory on my list. I have had so many friends tell me that you should have been my valentine on Valentine’s Day. Even though it did not happen, it was still considerate of them.
I am not trying to pressure something out of nothing. We are great friends and even though I would rather have a friend for life, than a fling for a bit. I feel confident that something could result for what we have already, but I do not want to risk it. I want to know if you feel the same way about me. So I’m staying up late just to get my thoughts out on paper and finally be able to sleep.

See you tomorrow,

Ms. Seeking and Wondering
March 14th, 2012 at 07:44am