A slice of life- Individuality? Never heard of it.

Slowly the human race is becoming less and less diverse. The once so different world is becoming more and more familiar good right?...wrong I say!
(Read with an open mind I will not try to close it completely you are entitled to your own opinion and feel free to express it)
The main points I wish to address are my fears about my own individuality and the threatening future of closed idealisms that soon even I will have to follow. I think it is honestly a bum rap that we teenagers, and I do apologise to any adult readers, will soon have to adopt a more traditional look in order to get far in life. I find it hard to believe that extravagant colour hair dye, 'glamorous' clothes, piercings and tattoos were invented to be banned everywhere we turn. I'm finding it hard to deal with the rules of uniform and control of clothes and facial jewellery, I can't even use any of this at the age of 15 so when...when I ask you can I be myself without the discrimination of my peers. I have no doubt in my mind that if I went to a job interview in a nursing home with a nose ring, a tattoo on my left hand, green hair dye and wearing Lady Gaga's meat dress I will be turned down no matter how many, Qualifications or experience or even any proof of good work in a previous job I had, And this discrimination is exactly why school leavers who just want to express themselves find it difficult to find work.
Personally I blame schools for not doing enough to promote individuality. I see posters and schemes called 'pals' which don't work. I believe rules on appearances are stifling the creativity , imagination and belief in ones true character, these feelings are what dreams are all about and this is why I believe that many people I know are unsure of their future, they literally haven't a clue. It is why you see 20 people doing the same course as one another.
I understand that my views are hostile to group people but understand that I don't believe that my future I ever going to be joined to anyone else's in my class, it is my personal conviction to separate from the crowds of 'sheep' no matter what. I know that individuality is biologically always there but the way in which people 'act' to have people perceive them is becoming more narrow making it impossible for the individuals to stay hidden any more and we are slowly becoming the most recognised people in one's year group...However it's not a good thing.
I truly hope that one day there will be a gravity pull on all the grouped people which will bash them all together and explode into a never ending spawn of the individuals making us finally able to go back into hibernation.

To the individuals!!!!!!!!!!
*The final point to take from this you 'individuals' personally I think you should find a group...Don't look at my words like that I mean a group of individuals. Tell these people to be themselves trust me outcast groups filled with people of individual status' are a load of fun. In my group we got two sister nut cases(one being me) who are always called names and from first interpretations look like complete opposites, literally I mean it completely opposite, but we are similar in character....oops went off point...returning to point...now we have a 'girly' girl who laughs along with jokes and has an amazing singing voice, and finally a quite loud girl who just loves latching onto our nut case jokes. I know this may seem a little strange and it doesn't really do much for us when I think about it...It doesn't make us less noticeable, any bigger looking then we are, it doesn't make us any better as friends, any bolder to bullies, any weaker to enemies, it doesn't make us any less impressionable, however it does make it a little more bearable.*
March 14th, 2012 at 09:13pm