My mother always told me not to cry over a guy.

My mother always told me to never cry over a guy, but I just can't help but crying over you.

It's that feeling of getting close to someone with everything they say to you. Ans then you get pushed away and everything they said to you turned out to be nothing but a lie. And they're able to walk around like it's no big deal and seeing them do that hurts.

And when they tell you "we can still be friends" You pretty much know they'll never talk to you again. Especially after making that statement, because friends talk. But you won't talk to them, and they won't talk to you. So that friendship that was supposed to be, will turn into nothing.

Maybe you won't talk to each other in fear of bringing up old memories or you'll say the wrong thing.

And then it will go back to the feeling of being close to someone and knowing you'll probably never be with them again and you've lost them.

And they've lost you too.

And then people always wonder why you're single, but you know that it's because of things like this. Getting an emotional, or any sort of, attachment to a person just to see them leave at some point.
March 14th, 2012 at 09:49pm